Ocasio Cortez Odds

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  1. At odds over most issues, Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Republican Ted Cruz agreed on Thursday that Congress needed more information about online trading platform Robinhood Markets Inc's.
  2. Ocasio-Cortez had been vocal about her opposition to the proposed New York City headquarters since Amazon announced it in November. 'Amazon is a billion-dollar company,' she tweeted when Amazon.
  3. For months, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a good soldier for the Democratic Party and Joseph R. As he sought to defeat President Trump. But on Saturday, in a nearly.
Updated on:Oct 22, 2020, 1:46pm EDT

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed on Sunday that she respects Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a far-left “Squad” member who has openly criticized the Democrat Party’s leadership, telling CBS News’s Leslie Stahl she is “not dismissing” people like AOC despite years-long rumors of infighting within the caucus.

With Election Day less than two weeks away, the fight for the 14th congressional district is heading toward the finish line, as well as a well-known congresswoman faces off with a school teacher.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez weathered attacks from her opponents in the Democratic primary election this past June, but eventually won with over 70% of the votes.
She is facing John Cummings in the NY-14 congressional race.
The general election campaign for the 14th District has been quieter, but according to Ocasio-Cortez, just as active.
'Every single election, no matter the odds, is all about earning re-election every single time and so I'm very proud to continue to be out there and making sure that all of our families that need help are getting the help that they need,” said Ocasio-Cortez.
That includes helping during the coronavirus pandemic.
'I'm proud to have been also actively serving our community during the time of this crisis. We have had a multi-million dollar effort where we have now distributed over a million dollars' worth of direct aid to Bronx and Queens families,” said Ocasio-Cortez.
The congresswoman says she has a plan for what she wants to achieve if re-elected for a second term.
'I am a staunch believer in expanding health care and making sure that our seniors are getting more Social Security than they are presently. I believe that tuition-free colleges and universities are going to be, not a requirement but a right for everyone to be able to pursue as our economy advances into the 21st century,” said Ocasio-Cortez.
Education is also at the forefront of her opponent’s mind. Cummings is a history and government teacher at St. Raymond’s High School for Boys.
'My students were asking me for years, 'Hey, Mr. Cummings you really know this stuff, why don't you run?' And finally, I decided, you know what, I'm 60 years old, I don't want to be 70 and look back years from now and say ‘Hey, I should have run.’ There are no regrets here,” said Cummings.
Cummings says he wants to improve the education system and that he’s in favor of charter schools, as well as school vouchers.
'I think education is the civil rights issue of the 21st century. Far too often we allow too many children to remain in failing schools, you know our public school system has some great schools, it has some failing schools,” said Cummings.
The Republican nominee is a Parkchester native and a former member of the NYPD, spending more than a decade in uniform.
'I know the people of the community. I know its needs. I'm familiar with the infrastructure, the roads, the schools. I have a broad base of knowledge that I could use down in Washington,” said Cummings.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed on Sunday that she respects Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a far-left “Squad” member who has openly criticized the Democrat Party’s leadership, telling CBS News’s Leslie Stahl she is “not dismissing” people like AOC despite years-long rumors of infighting within the caucus.

During a comprehensive interview on CBS News’s 60 Minutes, Stahl asked the speaker to address complaints from AOC — particularly regarding Pelosi’s purported failure to seek younger members to lead the party in the future.

“Why does AOC complain that you have not been grooming younger people for leadership?” Stahl asked.

“I don’t know, “Pelosi quipped. “You’ll have to ask her … because we are.”

Stahl characterized Pelosi’s response as “kind of sharp, kind of dismissive,” but the 80-year-old lawmaker disagreed, contending that she respects the younger progressive.


“I’m not dismissing her. I respect her. I think she’s very effective, as are … many other members of our caucus that the press doesn’t pay attention to. But they are there, and they are building support for what comes next,” Pelosi added:

Alexandria ocasio cortez parents wealth

It seems that AOC and Pelosi have a wonderful relationship pic.twitter.com/egS6EBUUoJ

— Icculus The Brave (@FirenzeMike) January 11, 2021

Pelosi and far-left members of the “Squad” have been at odds over the past two years as the party continually attempts to strike a balance, satisfying the establishment Democrats and more progressive members who seek radical changes, such as defunding the police.

In last month’s interview with The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill, Ocasio-Cortez stated, “We need new leadership in the Democratic Party.”

“I think one of the things that I have struggled with — I think that a lot of people struggle with — is the internal dynamics of the House has made it such that there’s very little option for succession if you will, you know?” she said, adding that there are no “viable alternatives” to Pelosi, who recently won the speakership election with 216 votes — short of a House majority.

She said in part:

When you have really talented members of Congress that do come along, the opportunities to lead are so few and far between, that they leave, that the kind of path of ascension, if you will, for a lot of members looking around, both progressive and conservative alike, is to run for a statewide office and get out of there.

Ocasio Cortez Odds

While the New York lawmaker expressed the belief that Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) need to go, she emphasized that the party needs a plan to fill the void.

Ocasio Cortez In Bathing Suit

“Because if you create that vacuum, there are so many nefarious forces at play to fill that vacuum with something even worse,” she said.

“And so the actual sad state of affairs is that there are folks more conservative than even they are willing to kind of fill that void,” she continued, adding, “We need to make sure that we have a transition of power in the leadership of the Democratic Party.”