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Noun There was a procession of children carrying candles. The cars moved in procession to the cemetery. Recent Examples on the Web: Noun Then the long procession of cars plastered with.

  1. Processional Wedding
  2. Processional Meaning Wedding
  3. Wedding Party Line Up


  • Relating to or used in a religious or ceremonial procession.

    • ‘Any of these late-medieval processional crosses can be experienced as an example of craftsmanship in wood and metal, like a Faberge egg, or considered in terms of its design and the interplay of its various components.’
    • ‘After attending a festive celebration at one suburban parish, he sent a note to the pastor, telling him to place a corpus on the processional cross and to reconfigure the tilt of the altar to conform to church rubrics.’
    • ‘The Baroque section features religious sculpture, including processional figures, ritual liturgical objects and private devotional altars.’
    • ‘For instance, the processional route of the ambulatory, along which the cross is carried into the church, also acts as a shortcut from the restaurant to the foyer of the auditorium, which is also the lobby for the guesthouse.’
    • ‘The dominant theory continues to be that they were processional routes - which is more likely, of course, to be true for the longer examples.’
    • ‘The display brings together alms basins, processional crosses and staves as well as plate for the celebration of communion.’
    • ‘The ordinary processional route began within the enclosed space of the choir and moved outward to encompass the length of the nave and baptistery in the west end before circling back toward the choir.’
    • ‘Their haul included golden crowns, precious chalices, tabots, altar slabs, beautiful processional crosses, dozens of fine manuscripts and his hair.’
    • ‘The gate at the center may allude to one of the two imperial gates along the processional route by boat between the Blachernai Palace, primary residence of the Komnenoi since the late eleventh century, and Hagia Sophia.’
    • ‘English Heritage has been closely involved in the design of the repaving scheme, which gives priority to pedestrians and continues an award-winning theme already in place in Kirkgate - the processional route to the cathedral.’
    • ‘She called on Scotland's politicians to live up to its transparent and welcoming design and to the expectations of the country's people, thousands of whom lined the processional route through Edinburgh.’
    • ‘From its progress through the forest, the processional approach route eventually opens out into a clearing to reveal the main funerary hall attached to a row of family chapels.’
    • ‘When the historic house and gardens reopens next week visitors can for the first time take the grand processional route used by guests of Bess of Hardwick when she completed work on the house in the late 16th century.’
    • ‘But no, he is lifting the crown toward the processional cross that a cardinal is holding at the exact center of the canvas, just before placing it on his wife's head.’
    • ‘Two processional routes will tour the city, one beginning at the Brigadier Gerard in Monkgate, another at The Golden Ball, in Cromwell Road, at 2.30 pm.’
    • ‘For the coronation of George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1937, the processional route had been made longer than before.’
    • ‘Most processional crosses of that vintage are cast in bronze or silver.’
    • ‘Utzon was clearly conscious of the symbolic significance and emotional impact of a religious processional ascent.’
    • ‘I like the Magny Cours circuit quite a lot, probably more than many drivers who say it's a modern and boring processional track.’
    • ‘Thus, whereas parish churches are of very diverse architectural styles, their interior arrangements are generally 19th cent., and reflect a desire for both processional space and a focus on the altar.’
Wedding party line up



Processional Wedding

  • 1A book containing litanies and hymns for use in religious processions.

    • ‘The structure and content of religious celebrations, processionals, revivals and regular religious meetings also require analysis.’
    1. 1.1A hymn or other piece of music sung or played during a religious procession.
      ‘Also, McIlvaine ‘used his episcopal authority to limit processionals, surpliced choirs, and other musical innovations’.’
      • ‘This Wesley hymn makes a wonderful processional for this festival day.’
      • ‘It is best sung as a processional or the final hymn in the service. Sing at a moderate tempo.’
      • ‘Sing this Christmas favorite as a processional, including as many people as you can.’
      • ‘We spilled out into the blinding sunshine, the strains of the organ following us and filling the air, signaling the processional at the end of the ceremony.’

Processional Meaning Wedding

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  • Below, we curated a list of 100 wedding processional songs in every genre, including traditional, contemporary, country, Disney-inspired, movie soundtrack, and instrumental tunes.
  • Wedding Processional Using Two Aisles People tackle the problem of two aisles in a variety of ways. You can use only one aisle, but many guests might feel far from the action. In this case, you may want to do the processional down one aisle and the recessional down the other.